Dublin Days

Sunday, September 30, 2012

{What I'm Wearing: Dress—Anthropologie "Two-Button Sailor Chemise" (shop // remixed), Jacket—Anthropologie
"Openwork Army Jacket" (similar // remixed), Scarf—Forever 21 (similar), Booties–Target (shop), Bag—Fossil (shop)}
above: Trinity College
above: St. Patrick's Cathedral
above: here, there, and everywhere in Dublin...

After leaving Italy, we flew into Dublin, hurried back to Cork for a night to recharge and unpack all our dirty laundry from Italy, quickly repacked our suitcases, and left again for our study abroad orientation in Dublin. Even though I was excited to meet the people in our program, I was so exhausted from our trip that it was hard to spend a night at home in Cork (with two of my best friends who stayed over for a night) and then leave right away. 

A couple of these photos were taken from our mini-trip to Dublin before we left for Italy, but I figured I would put them all in one post because they each give a little snapshot of the city. To be honest, when I first visited Dublin I began to slightly question my choice to study abroad in Cork. However, after being in Cork for a couple of weeks now, I can safely say that I am very happy with my choice and I think Dublin is better as a weekend trip than as a place to live for four months.

P.S. I am so happy to finally be blogging about Ireland again and I can't wait to share with you all the little things I've been doing these past few weeks abroad :)


Make a Wish

Thursday, September 27, 2012

...and one day you will return to Rome ♥  


When All Else Fails...Lasagna!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

{What I'm Wearing: Dress—Anthropologie "Flared Anabelle Dress," Handbag—shop in Florence, Belt—H&M, Booties—Target (shop)}
Our last night in Rome, we discovered a true city gem—Fraschetteria Brunetti. Originally, we had planned to eat at a small restaurant down the road from our hotel, but plans changed when we realized that it had actually gone out of business, and was not just "closed" on Sundays.

However, had our plans not changed, we would never have discovered Fraschetteria Brunetti, a tiny hole-in-the-wall restaurant in the heart of Rome.  Our wine was served in plastic cups, the menus were written on pieces of scrap paper, and the walls were covered in love notes from former patrons. Everything little detail of the restaurant added to its quirky charm, and our visit was definitely the highlight of my time in Rome. (sorry historical monuments!)

After being served deliciously cheesy lasagna, the whole restaurant (which only consisted of about 10 tables) started clapping and singing along to a long soundtrack of tradition Italian songs. We cheered, we drank, we ate, and it was by far my favorite meal in all of Italy.
The next time I'm in Rome...I'm making a bee-line for this wonderful little restaurant :)


Rome-ing Around

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Here are some of my favorite photos from our two crazy days in Rome. They were taken in the Ancient City, the Vatican, and a cute little wine shop where Andrew got sad when I told him we couldn't take more than three bottles home in our luggage. 

Sometimes, life just ain't so easy, my love.


All Roads Lead to Rome

Sunday, September 23, 2012

{What I'm Wearing: Top—Anthropologie "Stripes of Citrus Boatneck" (shop), Skirt—Nordstrom BP, Sandals—Target}
After three fun days in Florence, we packed our bags and took a train down to Rome. With only two days to see all the major monuments in the city, Andrew and I were ambitious and decided to visit the Pantheon, Forum, and Colosseum all in one day. Here are a few of my favorite pictures from our visit to the Colosseum!

P.S. In the second to last picture I look like I'm about to get run over by the horse-drawn carriage. I'd just like to set the record straight and say that, yes, I almost did get run over/trampled by the scary tour group that was walking right on our heels as Andrew snapped my picture. Travel Tip: When you see a large group of people all wearing matching lanyards and headphones...RUN!!!


Piazza de Michelangelo

Sunday, September 23, 2012

An amazing view of a gorgeous city.

Until next time, Florence ♥  
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